Rhetoric coaching
Rhetoric coaching offers you individual support adapted to your specific needs.
We will focus on your strengths and how you can use your strengths to improve your presentation skills and make others want to continue listening to you. I will also coach you on specific areas you find challenging and together we will find ways to overcome these challenges. This combined with concrete tips and feedback will allow you to develop your presentation skills in a way that is adapted to your specific needs.
I offer two different rhetoric coaching packages which focus on developing and improving a specific presentation, as well as a more comprehensive package which focuses on how you can develop your presentation skills in general.
- A two-hour coaching session where you get feedback on your presentation
Before the session
- Before the session, you send me your presentation and answer a few questions about the background and context of the presentation
You will get
- Tips and concrete suggestions on how to improve your presentation
- Coaching on what you find challenging with the presentation
- Increased confidence in your ability to deliver a good presentation
Price: 475€ + VAT 24%
- A coaching process where you revise and refine your presentation, consisting of a two-hour introductory session followed by a 90-minute follow-up session.
Before the session
- Before the session, you send me your presentation and answer a few questions about the background and context of the presentation
You will get
- Feedback and practical tips that you implement before the follow-up session and get additional feedback on
- You become aware of your strengths
- Coaching around what you find challenging with your presentation and how you can handle the challenges
- Your presentation gets a boost and your confidence in both yourself and your presentation technique increases
- You know that you can give a good presentation that the audience is happy to listen to
Price: 850€ + VAT 24%
- A coaching process that lasts for two to three months. We have an initial two-hour session and three 90-minute follow-up sessions.
- You can choose to work on a specific presentation or to develop a specific domain, such as overcoming your fear of public speaking, becoming clearer in your communication and better at adapting your presentation to the target audience, or feeling more confident when you give a presentation online.
- During the initial session, we set goals and draw up an action plan for our collaboration.
You will get
- Feedback and practical tips to implement before the next session where we evaluate and make a plan for further development
- The opportunity to practice during the sessions
- Coaching around your challenges and how you can learn to deal with them and other challenges in the future
- You become aware of your strengths that you can build on to further lift your presentation technique and your self-confidence
- Your presentation skills develop noticeably, you feel more secure and have an increased self-confidence